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Conversion Rate in Retail

Inside retail stores, a conversion rate is the % of walk-ins who made purchases compared to the number of walk-ins. Let's say that for any particular day, there is 100 walk in and only 40 of them make a purchase or buy something or 40 invoices generated then the conversion rate would be 40%

What is Conversion?

Inside retail stores, a conversion rate is the % of walk-ins who made purchases compared to the number of walk-ins. Let's say that for any particular day, there is 100 walk in and only 40 of them make a purchase or buy something or 40 invoices generated then the conversion rate would be 40%

What is Conversion?

Inside retail stores, a conversion rate is the % of walk-ins who made purchases compared to the number of walk-ins. Let's say that for any particular day, there is 100 walk in and only 40 of them make a purchase or buy something or 40 invoices generated then the conversion rate would be 40%

Hindi version

खुदरा दुकानों के अंदर, रूपांतरण दर वॉक-इन की संख्या की तुलना में खरीदारी करने वाले वॉक-इन का % है। मान लीजिए कि किसी विशेष दिन के लिए 100 लोग आते हैं और उनमें से केवल 40 खरीदारी करते हैं या कुछ खरीदते हैं या 40 चालान उत्पन्न होते हैं तो रूपांतरण दर 40% होगी

Lets calculate through Formula matrix

Conversion Rate (Number of Sales / Number of Walk-ins) *100. Let's say Conversion Rate ( 40/100)*100= 40%

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